Corporate Events Ideas

Organising a corporate event that has set objectives for employees yet remains enjoyable can be challenging. The key to building a productive and entertaining event is combining the perfect location with the right blend of fun and formal events. Sometimes you need to get creative when selecting a location and activities!

Here are some simple ideas to help you make your next corporate event a huge success.


Define Objectives Before Making Plans

Before making any bookings or deciding on specific activities, make list of goals for the event. Are you interested in focussing on team building or is there a specific project which will be discussed at the event? Is it your goal to make the event a relaxing getaway for staff where they can unwind and get to know each other better?

Once goals have been established, you can select a location and events schedule aimed at meeting those goals. When writing the events schedule, make it specific and detailed, but also keep it flexible. If your group is really enjoying a specific activity, allow them to keep performing it and have the flexibility to move other events around to accommodate the change.


Select the Right Venue

Choosing the right venue is absolutely crucial for a successful corporate event or team building trip. Many organisations now choose to rent large homes for their corporate events for a number of reasons.

• Many homes have surrounding grounds which can be used for outdoor team building activities
• A home is a very relaxed and comfortable environment where staff can unwind
• There are no time limits for group gatherings, so you can schedule events for early in the morning or late in the evening
• You can select a home which is in close proximity to locations your group wants to visit
• The homes available for corporate events range from small cottages to large mansions and stately homes. They also range from rustic to luxurious and well appointed. You can choose a property that very specifically matches your requirements and preferences
• It is often more cost effective to rent one or more homes than it is to stay in a hotel
• You can avoid the cost of renting room for meetings by choosing a house with large rooms or outdoor areas
• After a team building exercise or meeting has concluded, staff can relax together instead of going back to their individual hotel rooms
• You can save on catering by hiring a chef to prepare meals in-house.
• Some homes offer corporate events packages where they provide all of the food and some team building activities, making it a very simple option


Some very beautiful homes are available for corporate events, ranging from luxurious modern lodges to centuries-old mansions. Selecting a stunning venue surrounded by countryside is often a more attractive option for staff compared to staying in a hotel.

kate and toms Corporate Properties, click for more


Selecting Team Building Activities

If your corporate event has a strong focus on team building, selecting the right activities is crucial. Here are some ideas for team building:

kate and toms large selection of Team Building venues



Creative Activities

Fostering the ability of your staff to be creative and imaginative while working in a group is very important. Achieving creativity in a workplace is not always easy because staff must be relaxed and feel free to express their ideas to each other. Managers must also learn to support creative thinking and one way to do this is by practicing it! Some useful creativity enhancing activities:

• Brainstorming new ideas, which allows groups to work on communication skills and creative thinking
• The Six Thinking Hats technique of Edward de Bono, which is a useful next step for dissecting ideas discovered through brainstorming.
• Ask your team to think of new ways to use everyday items. They can work in groups to refine their original ideas for new ways to use a stapler, iPhone or bottle opener.
• Use traditional team building games like Salt and Pepper, Zoom, Minefield, Survival Scenarios and “Two Truths and a Lie”
• Musical activities are a great deal of fun and allow people to express themselves. Hire some musical instruments and have groups work together to create songs or jam together. Have awards for the best song.
• Get your team to develop your next marketing strategy. Get the team to split into smaller groups and develop a logo, catch phrase and plan for a TV advertisement.


Outdoor Actives

Outdoor activities have a dual purpose, helping staff to relax while also encouraging them to work together and achieve a specific goal. Adding activities that involve exercise can reinvigorate and relax your staff. Here are some useful outdoor activities:

• Rowing or kayaking are both great for team building because individuals must work together to move forward.
• Building sand castles is a fun way to enhance creativity, teamwork and planning skills
• Paint ball is a very fun activity that helps people work as a team and use strategic thinking
• One of the most useful team building activities is to create something from basic materials. Have your team split into groups and attempt to build a boat, bridge, bike, catapult or some other simple object. The group will be working as a team, thinking creatively and solving problems together.
• Visit a ropes course that requires teamwork to complete
• Have an outdoors scavenger hunt or survivor game where small groups work together to follow an outdoors course


Here at kate and toms we help many companies create the perfect team building or corporate event run smoothly through-out the year, so just give us a call, we are here to help!