The Blue Door - kate & tom's Large Holiday Homes The Blue Door - kate & tom's Large Holiday Homes The Blue Door - kate & tom's Large Holiday Homes The Blue Door - kate & tom's Large Holiday Homes The Blue Door - kate & tom's Large Holiday Homes

Select a date to book your stay

Our prices and availability for The Blue Door in Newquay, Cornwall are shown below.

Prices are listed as "from" as an indication of what the price may be but cannot be relied upon, we must request an accurate price from the owner upon enquiry.

We'd love to help so do call us on 01242 235151 or send us an email to [email protected]

December 2024

FriSaSuMTuWTh2 night weekend3 night weekendWeekMidweek
12345From £2,250
6789101112From £2,800From £2,800From £3,350From £2,250
13141516171819From £2,800From £2,800From £3,350From £2,250

January 2025

FriSaSuMTuWTh2 night weekend3 night weekendWeekMidweek
3456789BookedBookedFrom £2,800From £1,700
10111213141516From £2,250From £2,250From £2,800From £1,700
17181920212223From £2,250From £2,250From £2,800From £1,700
24252627282930From £2,250From £2,250From £2,800From £1,700
31From £2,250From £2,250From £2,800

February 2025

FriSaSuMTuWTh2 night weekend3 night weekendWeekMidweek
123456From £2,250
78910111213From £2,800From £2,800From £3,250From £2,250
14151617181920From £2,800From £2,800From £3,250From £2,250
21222324252627From £2,800From £2,800From £3,250From £2,250
28From £2,800From £2,800From £3,250

March 2025

FriSaSuMTuWTh2 night weekend3 night weekendWeekMidweek
123456From £2,250
78910111213From £2,900From £2,900From £3,100From £2,250
14151617181920From £2,900From £2,900From £3,100From £2,250
21222324252627From £2,900From £2,900From £3,100From £2,250
28293031From £2,900From £2,900From £3,100From £2,250

April 2025

FriSaSuMTuWTh2 night weekend3 night weekendWeekMidweek
45678910BookedBookedBookedFrom £3,350
11121314151617BookedBookedBookedFrom £3,350
18192021222324BookedBookedBookedFrom £3,350
252627282930BookedBookedFrom £3,650From £2,550

May 2025

FriSaSuMTuWTh2 night weekend3 night weekendWeekMidweek
2345678BookedBookedBookedFrom £2,550
9101112131415BookedBookedBookedFrom £2,550
16171819202122BookedBookedBookedFrom £2,550
23242526272829BookedBookedBookedFrom £3,350

June 2025

FriSaSuMTuWTh2 night weekend3 night weekendWeekMidweek
12345From £3,350
6789101112BookedBookedFrom £4,650From £3,350
13141516171819From £4,450From £4,450From £4,650From £3,350
20212223242526From £4,450From £4,450From £4,650From £3,350
27282930From £4,450From £4,450From £4,650From £3,350

July 2025

FriSaSuMTuWTh2 night weekend3 night weekendWeekMidweek
45678910From £5,000From £5,000BookedBooked
11121314151617BookedBookedFrom £5,700From £3,350
18192021222324From £5,000From £5,000From £6,650From £6,100

August 2025

FriSaSuMTuWTh2 night weekend3 night weekendWeekMidweek
891011121314BookedBookedFrom £6,650From £6,100
15161718192021From £5,000From £5,000From £6,650From £6,100
22232425262728From £5,000From £5,000From £6,650From £6,100
293031From £5,000From £5,000From £6,650

September 2025

FriSaSuMTuWTh2 night weekend3 night weekendWeekMidweek
1234From £6,100
567891011From £3,300From £3,300From £3,700From £2,250
12131415161718From £3,300From £3,300From £3,700From £2,250
19202122232425From £3,300From £3,300From £3,700From £2,250
2627282930From £3,300From £3,300From £3,700From £2,250

October 2025

FriSaSuMTuWTh2 night weekend3 night weekendWeekMidweek
3456789From £2,800From £2,800From £3,350From £2,250
10111213141516From £2,800From £2,800From £3,350From £2,250
17181920212223From £2,800From £2,800From £3,350From £2,250
24252627282930From £2,800From £2,800From £3,350From £2,250
31From £2,800From £2,800From £3,350

November 2025

FriSaSuMTuWTh2 night weekend3 night weekendWeekMidweek
123456From £2,250
78910111213From £2,800From £2,800From £3,350From £2,250
14151617181920From £2,800From £2,800From £3,350From £2,250
21222324252627From £2,800From £2,800From £3,350From £2,250
282930From £2,800From £2,800From £3,350

December 2025

FriSaSuMTuWTh2 night weekend3 night weekendWeekMidweek
1234From £2,250
567891011From £2,800From £2,800From £3,350From £2,250
12131415161718From £2,800From £2,800From £3,350From £2,250
19202122232425n/an/aFrom £4,800n/a
262728293031n/an/aFrom £4,800n/a